National Drugs Strategy

There are 6 national drugs strategy publications. Showing items 1 - 6.

  1. Publication cover - Reducing-Harm-Supporting-Recovery-2017-20252017 - 2025 Reducing Harm Supporting RecoveryA health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017- 2025
  2. Publication cover - DTF Handbook2011 Drug Task Force Handbook
  3. Publication cover - National Drugs Strategy_2009-20162009 - 2016 National Drugs Strategy
  4. Publication cover - Building on Experience -  National Drugs Strategy 2001 - 20082001 - 2008 Building on Experience - National Drugs Strategy
  5. Publication cover - handbook_ldtf.pdf1999 - Local Drugs Task Forces HandbookA Local Response to the Drug Problem
  6. Publication cover - ministerial task force to reduce demand for drugs1996 Ministerial task force on measures to reduce demand for drugs