What We Do
CityWide works in the following ways
1. Facilitating Networks
Citywide facilitates networks of community groups and activists to develop co-ordinated responses to issues affecting their communities and services. Current networks:
- Community Reps on the Local & Regional Drugs Task Forces
- Drug Rehab Special CE Projects (DRPs)
- Local Community Drug Projects
More information from the networks section of website
2. Responding to Issues
Citywide brings people together to look at both current and ongoing issues through organising information sessions, seminars, conferences, working groups etc. We respond to particular issues of concern as they arise for communities by carrying out research, campaigning and developing policy responses. Examples of ongoing issues that Citywide works on: Ending Criminalisation of people who use drugs; Promoting the role of Community Drug Projects; Challenging Drug-Related Stigma; Understanding the Experience of Women; Engaging with Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Communities (in partnership with NCP), Experience in Rural Communities.
Examples of submissions in recent years include: The Mid-term Review of the National Drugs Strategy (RHSR 2017 - 2025), Submission in Nov 2020 to the Review of the Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions and Certain Disclosures) Act 2016 and a submission on the Youth Justice Strategy 2020 - 2026
3. Campaigning and Lobbying
It is essential that the drugs issue is kept on the political agenda to ensure that the necessary commitment and resources are made available to tackle community drug problems. It is part of Citywide's role to lobby and campaign on an ongoing basis and this is done in a number of ways
- through contact with Ministers, politicians, statutory agencies;
- representation on policy committees;
- special events such as marches, exhibitions, conferences
- ongoing contact with the media.
You can view current and past campaigns in the Campaigns section of our website.
4. Representing Communities
Citywide carries out a representative role for communities on the National Oversight Committee on Drugs (NOC) and on a range of other policy committees as requested, and on the EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs. We aim to represent the views and experiences of the community sector, based on information gathered through our networks. You can find more information about our representative role here.