EU Agencies & Policy

EU Civil Society ForumEU flag

The Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSF) is a broad platform for a structured dialogue between the Commission and the European civil society which supports policy formulation and implementation through practical advice. Citywide is a member of the CSF.

EU Drugs Strategy 2021 - 2025

In December 2020, the Council adopted the EU Drugs Strategy for 2021-2025. The Strategy aims to contribute to a reduction in drug demand and drug supply within the EU. It also aims to reduce the health and social risks and harms caused by drugs through a strategic approach that supports and complements national policies, that provides a framework for coordinated and joint actions and that forms the basis and political framework for EU external cooperation in this field. Here is a link to the current action plan:

European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA)

On Tuesday 2 July 2024, the EMCDDA will become the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA), with a new mandate and stronger role.  This web page which explains what this change means and provides practical information:

The EUDA general tasks in relation to drugs, drug use, drug use disorders and addictions, prevention, treatment, care, risk and harm reduction, rehabilitation, social reintegration, recovery, drug markets and supply, including illicit production and trafficking, and other relevant drug-related issues and their consequences are to:

  • provide the European Union (EU) and EU Member States with:
    • factual, objective, reliable and comparable information,
    • early warnings and risk assessments;
  • recommend concrete, evidence-based measures to address the abovementioned challenges in an efficient and timely manner.

In carrying out its tasks, the agency has to respect fundamental rights and data protection rules and apply an evidence-based, integrated, balanced and multidisciplinary approach to its work.