Latest News

news-1644696_960_720This section will endeavour to keep you informed and updated on issues of concern to communities working locally on drugs issues. If your group or project has an upcoming event, or a particular issue that you are concerned about please contact Ruth.  

  1. Implementing Recommendations of Citizens Assembly on Drugs Issued 10 Jun 2024
  2. Neurodiversity + Drug Use Survey Issued 7 May 2024
  3. Statement on Launch of Citizens' Assembly report Issued 26 Jan 2024
  4. Community Reps Training Course Concludes Issued 22 Jan 2024
  5. Citywide Response to the Recommendations by the CA Issued 18 Dec 2023
  6. Community Reps Training Issued 16 Nov 2023
  7. We're hiring a CEO Issued 26 Oct 2023
  8. Citywide statement on recommendation of the Citizens Assembly on Drugs Issued 23 Oct 2023
  9. UISCE- short videos linked to Citizens Assembly submission Issued 19 Oct 2023
  10. Launch of Citywide Untold Stories Podcast Issued 4 Sep 2023
  11. Submission to the Citizens' Assembly Issued 31 May 2023
  12. Citywide Comment on terms of reference for Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Issued 20 Feb 2023
  13. Budget 2023 Citywide Submission Issued 28 Sep 2022
  14. Community Drugs Projects Video Issued 8 Sep 2022
  15. Launch of Training Programme for DATF Community Reps Issued 4 Jul 2022
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(176 items)