Citywide Publications

There are 65 citywide publications publications. Showing items 21 - 30.

  1. The Case for a Citizens' Assembly The Case for a Citizens' Assembly
  2. Citizens Assembly  presentation Orla O'Connor NWCI2021 Citizens Assembly presentation Orla O'Connor NWCI
  3. Learning from 25 years of working to implement partnership 2021:Twenty Five years of Irish Drug Policy –Looking Back to Look Forward
  4. Rural Experience Drugs 2021 Rural Experience Drugs & the Drug Trade
  5. Resource document on community engagementResource document on community engagement2021 Resource document on community engement
  6. CityWide Anti-Stigma Training Report Final2021 CityWide Anti-Stigma Training Report
  7. Annual Report 2020 web2020 Citywide Annual Report
  8. 2020 Community Drug Projects Report Final2020 Community Drug Projects: Responding to drug-related harms from a community development approach
  9. Safety in Numbers Exec Summary2020 Safety in Numbers Executive Summary
  10. Safety in Numbers Report Web2020 Safety in Numbers Full Report An Evaluation of Community Crime Impact Assessment (CCIA) Pilot Projects