2010 Citywide submission to Methadone Treatment Protocol Review

2010 Citywide submission to Methadone Treatment Protocol Review



Action 35 in the National Drugs Strategy (interim 2009 – 2016) requires that a review of the Methadone Treatment Protocol take place to maximise the provision of treatment, to facilitate appropriate progression pathways (including exit from methadone treatment where appropriate) and to encourage engagement with services. The review will include engagement with the community and voluntary sectors.

Submission to the Methadone Treatment Protocol Review June 30th 2010

Citywide provides networks through which local communities can develop coordinated responses to issues of drug policy and services. We work with communities to develop responses to the drugs problem in their area, by providing ongoing support. We support best practice in drug treatment and the development of all protocols that assist in easing and reducing the pain and destruction drug use does to individuals, families and our communities. The promotion of effective engagement between methadone prescribing services and community services is an important element of CityWide's work.