St. Stephen's Green Trust grant schemes

20 Mar 2006

St. Stephen's Green Trust (SSGT) exists to make a positive contribution, through grant aid and advisory services, to charitable projects and initiatives that aim to tackle the issues of poverty, social exclusion, disability, discrimination, racism and injustice in Ireland.

The trustees meet four times a year to assess applications. Grants made are in the region of euro 500 to euro 15,000.

The Trust operates two grant schemes:

A general scheme which is open to organisations in the 32 counties of Ireland which come under the guidelines and

The Darndale/Belcamp Oblates Grant Scheme which is open to organisations whose main beneficiaries are residents of the Parish of Darndale/Belcamp.

Applications are considered by Trustees four times each year, usually at the end of February, May, August and November. Deadline for receipt of applications is 6 weeks in advance of these meetings.

Applications for the General Grant Schemes can be made for work in the following areas:

Vulnerable children and young people
There is increasing concern and worry about the circumstances of children and young people who are going through particularly difficult periods in their young lives and who are vulnerable to the dangers of drug/substance abuse, child neglect, educational disadvantage, youth homelessness, prostitution and
physical/sexual abuse.

Those Affected by Homelessness
There is a need for new initiatives which are targeted at homeless people. The SSGT will have a particular focus on projects and initiatives which are dealing with the issues of homelessness.

The Trust has a particular focus on projects and initiatives which are promoting alternatives to custodial sentencing and which are aiming to improve the range of care/rehabilitation options which are currently available to people leaving the prison system. Projects offering support and advice to prisoners' families will also be considered.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers and Migrant Workers
There is a need to help organisations which will provide support services to refugees and asylum seekers and which will inform/educate Irish people about issues relating to immigration, racism and the circumstances of refugees and asylum seekers who have come to Ireland.

Travellers are a marginalised and vilified group within Irish society and are the victims of significant levels of abuse, intolerance and discrimination from the majority non-Traveller population. The Trust will focus on projects and initiatives which are working with travellers and which are developing programmes aimed at enhancing their sense of self esteem, self worth and self belief.

Evangelisation and Lay Formation
The SSGT is interested in projects which seek to improve evangelisation and lay formation within the Catholic Church.

Those affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorders
The SSGT hopes to improve the quality of life of people with Autism and their families by approving grants to projects and organisations which are providing services to children/people with Autism.

Those affected by Hearing Impairment
The SSGT also aims to help Deaf people and their families especially in the provision of educational services and developmental supports to children, young deaf people and their families.

Palliative Care
The Trust welcomes applications from organisations which support people who are terminally ill and their families.

Community Development and Relief of Poverty
SSGT cannot respond to all needs that arise but will consider other applications if they have a strong community benefit.

For more details and contact information here