Citywide statement on recommendation of the Citizens Assembly on Drugs
23 Oct 2023

Citywide Drugs Crisis Campaign has been campaigning for over 10 years to end the criminalisation of people who use drugs and we very much welcome the decision of the Citizens Assembly on Drugs to recommend the decriminalisation of possession of drugs for personal use. It is long past time to end the blame, shame and stigmatisation of people who use drugs, their families and communities and to remove the threat of sanction and punishment that results from criminalisation of drug use.
The Citizens’ Assembly has made a series of 36 recommendations across legislation, services, funding and accountability and all of these recommendations will help to build on and support the positive change that decriminalisation will bring to the lives of so many people. The CA discussions also highlight a strong level of support for further consideration of the broader issues of regulation and legalisation.
We would like to thank the members of the Citizens’ Assembly for all the work they have done and for the commitment they have shown to changing things for the better. We are now calling for the Final Report of the Citizens Assembly on Drugs to be delivered to government without delay so that its recommendations can be brought to the Oireachtas Justice Committee for consideration and implementation.
The final meeting of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use, issues 36 recommendations: